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Found 5061 results for any of the keywords light a candle. Time 0.008 seconds.
Light a Candle, Light a Virtual Candle OnlineLighting candles has long been a sacred ritual in all traditions, creating precious moments in our own and other people's lives.
About - Yardenit Baptismal Siteabout yardenit baptismal site - The official site for pilgrims from all over the world, for the baptism in the waters of the Jordan River.
Cart - Yardenit Baptismal SiteCart - Yardenit is situated on the banks of the Jordan River, at the Southern tip of the Sea of Galilee.
Store - Yardenit Baptismal SiteThe Yardenit store and online store holds a wide range of inspirational gifts, local products from the banks of the Jordan River.
Community - Yardenit Baptismal SiteCommunity Yardenit is a community of believers from all over the world. a community of hope, peace and love in the spirit of Jesus’ words.
My account - Yardenit Baptismal SiteMy account - Yardenit is situated on the banks of the Jordan River, at the Southern tip of the Sea of Galilee.
Wishlist - Yardenit Baptismal SiteWishlist - Yardenit is situated on the banks of the Jordan River, at the Southern tip of the Sea of Galilee.
Home - Yardenit Baptismal SiteHome page Yardenit Baptismal Site - Israel s official baptism site, souvenir shop and online store with beautiful jewelry and unique gifts.
MADD: Mothers Against Drunk DrivingSince 1980, MADD has worked to end drugged and drunk driving, prevent underage drinking, and support the victims of violent impaired and drinking and driving crimes.
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